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Kim & Hong Accounting
Affiliated company - K & H Business Consulting Inc.
Anne-Marie Kallal, Executive officer, CCI-LEX
"Young Kim has been providing bookkeeping services for CCI-LEX, a charitable English as a Second Language School for adults, since 2011. His wealth of experience and knowledge in accounting has been an asset to our organization. Young has great attention to detail, is extremely reliable and hard-working, and understands confidentiality. And he’s a pleasure to work with!
At CCI-LEX Young manages all aspects of our day-to-day bookkeeping and produces detailed monthly financial reports which go through the Finance Committee (which he is a member of) and our Board of Directors. As a charitable organization that receives government funding, donations, and earned income, Young needs to be extremely detailed and accurate in his work as the funders have many requests and restrictions. Young has also worked with complex forecasting tools and is prompt to provide me with the many variations or scenarios I often ask of him.
Every year the accounting firm that performs our annual external audit comments on the accuracy and overall excellent shape of our financials! I can confidently recommend Young Kim’s services as an accountant for any individual or organization."
허 웅 , 에드먼턴 한글학교 이사장
" 김영중 회계사님의 회계 및 세무서비스를 위한 홈페이지 개설을 축하드립니다. 항상 상대방을 편하게 해주는 미소와, 평소에
보여주었던 꼼꼼하고 완벽한 일 처리 솜씨로 미뤄봤을때 많은 사람들에게 도움이 되리라고 확신합니다. "
이 철 수 , 에드먼턴 장학재단 이사
" 유용한 세무 상식과 다양한 절세방법들을 김영중 회계사님을 통해 알게 되었습니다. 어렵고 복잡한 세무지식을 알기 쉽게
설명해 주시여 많은 도움을 받았습니다. 여러분께 적극 추천합니다. "
John Saunders, Owner, The Chair Repair Guys
" I hadn't done bookkeeping and filing CRA tax returns for the past three years before I met Young. However, he has taken all the worries away from the accounting and tax issues. I am so lucky to have met him. Thanks so much Young!"
윤 근 일, 에드먼턴 성 정하상 한인 천주교회 신부
" 재정위원으로서 지난 2년간 교회를 위해 매주 성실하게 봉사해주신 것에 대해 다시 한 번 깊이 감사드립니다."
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